Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to be Popular: On Social Media

Brogan outlines an arsenal of social media tools that can be used to increase the scope of audience and to make your blog more personalized. I didn't realize how many different platforms are out there to assist you in making yourself known on this cold, dark void known as the web. In fact, it makes it seem like the Internet is one big party, and these are different networking tools such as business cards (LinkedIn). Facebook can be used to give a business a personality just as much as it gives people a personality. Twitter can act as a "hub" of news and information about your company in short, 140 character broadcasts. Personally, I think it''s awesome how Brogan uses Tumblr accounts as "scratch books" to jot down text, audio, images and video.
tumblr logo credit: tumblr.

Get Wiki With It:

We talk a whole lot about wikis in Social Media Management, but honestly, they are the backbone of the new internet. Nearly every site that I connect to is a form of a wiki. One of my favorite wikis is Brickipedia which is all about Legos. I visit the site somewhere around 5-12 times a day to check if there are any new brick shapes and colors being unveiled. It isn't a Lego(R) sanctioned site, nor is it official, but it is a collaborative sharing of information about one common hobby, building Legos.

Projects like this are very much worth the time and effort. These people that are contributing content to wikis in order to inform the masses are HISTORIANS! They are doing the good work of man and recording history! Okay, I'm possibly over reacting, but without wikis, we would be susceptible to information edited by a few instead of approved by all.

Brickipedia is a very organized wikia with over 19k pages! I'm sure at least a couple hundred people contribute and organize the site!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about how almost every cite we all visit is a form of wiki; I totally agree. Brickipedia looks cool; it is crazy how people can collaborate on anything.
