Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Is My Mind?

I've been juggling quite a few things this Spring Quarter. I don't know how to juggle, so sometimes it becomes an issue. When I'm stressed out, I do some yoga on mountains. When there are no mountains, I go to Subway and treat myself right with the full combo. That's right.

Things I'm juggling (not in order of importance):

  • Waking up early
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Tweeting
  • Classes
  • Selling posters
  • Finding an internship
  • Finding food to eat
  • Finding friends
  • Bloggering

It's okay, I can do less eating and more internship finding. At least that's what my mom said.

Very peaceful and uncomfortable without padding 
I hope to find an internship in the L.A. area this summer with a production company where I can get some real hands-on experience with getting coffee. My heart, my soul, for God sakes my luggage is still in L.A. (seriously, LAX lost them).

I'm most excited about making connections, "starting over", and clubbing with the Beibs.

Making connections = Networking
Networking with tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Phone.
I will use the power vested in me to:
  1. Connect with other professionals.
  2. Update my blog to stay current, or "hip".
  3. Produce laughter with colleagues.

There's a few problems in the way. I need $$$. Living in Los Angeles isn't that cheap and virtually all internships are unpaid. Okay, so maybe that's the only problem, but it's a big enough problem to seem like multiple problems (airfare, car rental, FOOD, water, shelter.)

Calm down, deep breaths, "Woo-sah, woo-sah". I just need to buckle down and focus on the critical things in life.

like food.

This is what I'm studying for

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